Tuesday 7 October 2014

How social network are changing the journalism hastag by hastag

Almost everybody recognize that social networks are changing our way of behavior and routines. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn are more and more influential in our quotidian life, a new metalaguage is taking part  of our conversations, the virtual world is taking more space: unfollowers, hashtag, retweet… nowadays the popularity is measuring in the number of followers in your account.  Some traditional businesses as the advertisement are finding new ways to introduce commercials in a market that is growing fast: banners, videos, spam… Even some governments are regulating this field, China, Egipto or South Korea has already censured Twitter.
According to report “the American Journalist in the digital era” by the Indiana School of Journalism around 40% of the journalists state that social network are really useful and they spend around 30-60 minutes every day checking their social networks. Many journalists also see social media as a vehicle for self promotion.
We could say that social networks are a “tool” that improve our experience, in one hand are really useful to find information, detect hot topics and know the users opinion. In the other hand most of the journalists agree that social networks are subtracting professionalism, profundity and credibility. In addition, there is still a problem with the privacy of the information account.
According to the research organized by the University of Edinburgh, Twitter can sometimes break news before newswires, for major events there is little evidence that it can replace traditional news outlets. Twitter’s main benefits for news are bringing additional coverage of events, and for sharing news items of interest to niche audiences or with a short lifespan, such as local sports results. For example, the death of Bin Laden was launched first on Twitter.
But how are social networks transforming the journalism? First we find that the sources are in the street, not in the agencies. Some pictures uploaded on Twitter are now part of the history of the journalism. For example, on April 2013 during the Boston marathon an user posted a picture on Twitter and few minutes later is was the cover of the newspapers in all over the world.
Secondly social networks are really useful to follow the story from the beginning to the end, with the geolocation and the group of news under the same name (hastag) we can find all the news and information related with the story without the necessity of checking everything.. Is not strange to find a new about the Trendic Topic of the last night in the morning edition of the newspaper. The Pope, Royal Families, politicians, singers, actors are using Twitter every day and the user are just waiting for their messages. For the journalist is new possibly because this social networks are generating news by themselves. In addition, according with Twitter.com Site Info the service also handled 1.6 billion search queries per day. In 2013 Twitter was one of the ten most-visited websites, and has been described as "the SMS of the Internet.

The account clarencehouse on Instagram, where the England Royal Family posted pictures of their quotidian activities.
Thirdly social network are in our pockets, with the mobile phone and the news applications we can stay connected everywhere.
According to the latest  marketing online research by websa100, Facebook have around 1.150 millions of users, Instagram, a photography social network is the second in the list with 570 millions in the whole word. According with Media-tics around 5 millions of pictures are uploaded every day.
The most visited website in Moldova according to TranslateMedia is Moldcell’s, and Youtube is the second most popular. Depending on July 2014 edition of the World Map of Social Networks Facebook is now the most popular social media in Moldova.
The biggest challenge for the journalism is to add the social media as a complement to the daily news. 

Twitter dictionary for beginners:
Hastag: s a word or an unspaced phrase prefixed with the number sing (#).
Retweet: A message reposted or forwarded in this way.
Followers: Number of users who are following you/
Trendic Topic: A word, phrase or topic that is tagged at a greater rate than other tags is said to be a "trending topic".

More information about Twitter.
Special report about how Twitter changed the journalism hastag by hastag by BBC News

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